Double Glazing - Oxley Nu-Look Windows

Double Glazing

Well designed windows and doors can improve the level of comfort in your home all year round. This can reduce the requirements for heating in winter, whilst reducing the need for cooling in the summer.

Window configuration, orientation and glass performance can play a large role in the energy efficiency of your home. Well designed and correctly placed Carinya windows and doors, combined with the use of performance glass, can reduce your energy bills and reduce your impact on our environment.

Unlike other window systems on the market, Carinya windows and doors have been designed to accept thick glass and double glazing, without the need for additional unsightly adaptors and added material.

Viridian glass is our chosen supplier of glass and they offer a wealth of information on glazing options. Ask one of our team for more information by calling 65811763.

Glass is the most influential factor in window and door efficiency, accounting for up to 90% of thermal performance. Your Carinya windows combined with high performance glass can make your home increasingly more comfortable and energy efficient.

There are many ways to make a home more comfortable. Air-conditioning, heating and fans can help, though these can increase energy consumption, costs and greenhouse emissions. The ideal situation is to keep your home at an ideal temperature through intelligent design, including products like Carinya and the use of performance glass.

Viridian Glass is our chosen supplier of glass, speak to our team about their recommendations.