oxleynulook ⭐️ Making an entrance ⭐️ Our @parkwooddoor How do you glaze a second story multi-faceted sili We are so good at what we do you can’t even see Loading the barge with a 430kg piece of custom gla Lovely day for a barge ride along the Hastings Riv ⭐️ FEATURED PROJECT ⭐️ Perched on the hil As leaders in commercial fabrication we consistent Time for a transformation! Susan was thrilled wit Meet the dynamic duo that own Oxley Nu-Look Window 🫶🏻 SNEAK PEAK 👀 We will soon be welcoming Sea what we did there? It’s not just a door. It 🌟New to our showroom is this gorgeous entry doo Watch as we deglaze these 120kg glass panels @port Our commercial glazing team have been awarded the 🏠Welcome to Glenfern Lifestyle Village Stage 3A April! Where did you go? Fabulous work across all Last month our production line up for sliding and Load More Follow on Instagram